Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trying to get Lexi

She just kept responding to the request so I could try to get a better picture. What a trooper.

Life with Missionaries & Princesses

Just some pictures of fun at Nana and Grumpaws.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It has been so long I forgot how to post a blog. I hit post the pictures before I said what I had to say about those cute Grossarths.

I showed up at Regina's on a Monday during her cleaning and she sent me to take Hayden out of school early to go to the movie. What a treat!! McKenna and I picked up Hayden and went to see "How to Train Your Dragon" And then, as you can see, the two of them posed like models for their pictures to be taken. What fun we had playing and making little loaves of bread and a great dinner. Thought I would get home at 5 and got home at 10 after a visit to Grandma.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Adventures in Folsom with 3 Princesses

The 3 Princesses

I had a wonderful time at Ryan and Michelle’s in spite of being sick. It is really hard when you don’t act and look that sick. Ryan still wants you to empty boxes. Michelle took really good care of me. She cooked great meals every day and as much as I hated it she took the kids out without me 2 days while I slept and coughed without worrying about waking the little ones.

Whit and Connie had us over twice while I was there. Ryan and Michelle are lucky to have them there and we are lucky to have them there to look out for our kids. (They better remember who the REAL grandparents are.)

Mom loves to walk Emmy to school and and Bella and Lexie ALWAYS want to go with her. I think Bella stayed home with me 1 or 2 times.

I got a story every night too. Mom has a story and Dad has a song and a prayer. What more could a princess ask for.

I had lots of fun with the girls. Playing games, putting together puzzles, coloring. We started planting a few plants and I developed a terrible fear of going outside in the wind and weather so Michelle and Lex planted tomatoes, watermelons, squash, and strawberries. Ryan and Bella planted peas in the planter box they built. What a fun Dad. (Please take note of the red heels.)

This is us one night when we were alone trying to all get in a picture. Doesn't it look fun? It was. I love those girls. I love the kisses from Lexie to when she calls "Hi Nana!"

Sunday, November 22, 2009


We walked with Trent and Regina to our cars after the Undy 5000 last Saturday. We came upon an older man in the parking lot with a flat tire on his car. Trent immediately asks him if he needed any help and if he had all the parts he needed to change the tire. The man wasn’t sure. Trent quietly changed his tire, no fuss, no muss. Trent would not want any notice but he was practicing what he believes and who he is. What a good example of the Good Samaritan. Thanks Trent.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Heaven on the Coast

This has been a busy week. We just got back from visiting the 3 little princesses in Arroyo Grande, CA. Ryan and Michelle went on a 7 day cruise and we went to spend 7 heavenly days with the girls. Richard, Raelynn and I had a great time with Emily, Bella, and Lexie. Since they don’t seem to miss their Mom and Dad when they are gone it is lots of fun to be with them.

Lexie is just like the youngest in all the Rodger’s families. She can do anything the oldest one can do. She kept us pretty darn busy. Michelle warned us but we had no idea of the extent of her busyness. She was into everything and I mean everything. If it was quiet for more than 60 seconds, it was too late. Repair work had to be done. The last night at 3 in the morning she emptied the fridge: milk, yogurt, cheese, carrots, water bottles, and other food stuff. Came and stood by the bed at eye level staring at me. That was the night she was awake from 12 midnight till 5. Never cried even when I threatened her with bodily harm. I think she smiled when the rocker dumped me on the floor when I fell asleep in it. At 7, when Bella and Emily came and got in my bed (the one I had made to block the door) she did too, all was forgiven, by Lexie and me. In explanation for Lexie running loose at night, Ryan and Michelle wanted Lexie trained to her youth bed while they were gone. She was great the whole time till the last night. She went to bed and went to sleep with Emily and Bella just fine every night but Friday. We never had to repeatedly put her back in the bed. She made up for it that last night. She never cries except when getting up from a nap. Makes you not want to give her one. And is always smiling that great smile of hers. When you catch her at something and say “No” or “Naah” and she jerks back and smiles, you can’t help but smile at her and grab her and kiss and hug her. She eats like a little horse too. Made our hearts glad.

Bella chose not to walk to school each day with Emily, Lexie, and me. She wanted to stay with Grumpaw and get tickled. She loved sitting and watching TV with him, “Tom and Jerry.” Bella helped me a lot with organizing drawers. We spent a lot of time talking. We didn’t do puzzles very much this time because Lexie’s hands were in everything. But Bella told me about everything from her birthday at Disneyland, to her cake, to all about her friend Gage, to being a Mommy someday. She is very prim and has all the hand motions to prove it. Bella and Emily just recently had their ears pierced. Everyday we went through the routine of cleaning and changing earrings. It was really quite fun. Bella had hers done first and has quite a few earrings and is very generous about sharing them with Emily. Bella is a sweetheart.

Emily is a Rodgers. Quick witted and could talk you to death. But of course she has something to say. On the way home with Em and her Dad, who can hit 100mph on the on ramp in 10 seconds, I said “Is your Dad a crazy driver”? Em said “Nana, THAT is a stupid question”. Isn’t that cute? Emily is a picky eater but she loved Grandpaw’s cooking. We couldn’t believe it. You would think we had bribed her the way she complimented and soft soaped us about how good the food was or how well I did a list or some other thing. Maybe it was how many times we went to her favorite yogurt shop. We loved having her be the first one in the bed with us every morning at 6 or 7, even on the weekend. She came to talk not to sleep. In the years to come she will probably share her inter most secrets with her parents at that time. We played Apple Scrabble and she beat the pants off her friend and me. She has even taken on crossword puzzles and Sudoku. Emily is sharp. Friday night we had a Night at the Drive-in on our deck. We set up the lawn chairs on the deck to face the TV room window, opened the window, waited on the sun to go down, turned the lights out, turned up the volume, fixed hot dogs, fries and soda, popcorn, and candy. Emily wrapped up in a blanket and watched all of “ “. The rest of us were to cold to stay out side and watched from inside the movie theater. It was a fun night.

We read stories every night. I read the story from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle titled “Harbin the Slowpoke”. Emily became Harbilina. (It isn’t her favorite nickname, hum Lulu?) We’re still looking for the powder from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle to sprinkle on Emily’s shoes. Does anyone know where it is? Nana will give a reward for it.

They were all 3 so happy and easy to get along with. I’m glad we’re in good health because we were running all the time and came home not needing to rest. That made it a really fun trip and the kids really enjoyable.

Lastly, Regina and Trent; take a trip so we can come and stay with your kids. We want to watch the cute things they do and say on a daily basis. It has been a while. They grow up so fast.

We're happy we get to see the 3 little missionaries all the time. We love them. We love our life.